Format | 2 Audio CD |
Ordering Number | OC 844 |
Barcode | 4260034868441 |
label | OehmsClassics |
Release date | 11/12/2012 |
salesrank | 6056 |
Players/Contributors | Musicians
Manufacturer- Company nameNAXOS DEUTSCHLAND Musik & Video Vertriebs-GmbH
- AdresseGruber Straße 46b, 85586 Poing, DE
The Britannic Organ Volume 5 - Richard Wagner
Tannhäuser: Overture / Pilgrimage
The Rhinegold: Entry of the Gods into in Valhalla
The Valkyrie: Wotan’s Farewell and Magic Fire
Parsifal: Klingsor’s Enchanted Garden and Flower Maidens
Lohengrin: Bridal Chorus / Prelude to the 1st Act
“Dreams” from the Wesendonck Lieder
Homage March for the 19th Birthday of King Ludwig II
The Mastersingers of Nuremberg: Overture
The Banquet of Love of the Apostles
Tristan and Isolde: Isolde’s Love Death
Rienzi: Overture
The Welte Philharmonie Organ in the Museum of Mechanical
Musical Instruments,
Seewen, Switzerland
Organists: Emil Paur, Samuel Atkinson Baldwin, Clarence
Eddy, Harry Goss-Custard, Kurt Grosse, Thaddäus Hofmiller,
Edwin H. Lemare
Volume 5 of this highly praised series is being issued just
in time for the Richard Wagner Year 2013 by Oehms-
Classics in cooperation with the Museum of Mechanical
Musical Instruments in Seewen, Switzerland.
It is dedicated exclusively to Richard Wagner, who
would be celebrating his 200th birthday in 2013.
hide CD 1
- Richard Wagner (1813 –1883)
- 1.Tannhäuser: Ouverture Welte Roll 636 (copy)15:16
- 2.Das Rheingold: Einzug der Götter in Walhall / Entry of the Gods into Valhalla Welte Roll 788 (master)07:04
- 3.Die Walküre: Wotans Abschied und Feuerzauber / Wotan’s Farewell and Magic Fire Music Welte Roll 1093 (copy)15:00
- 4.Parsifal: Klingsors Zaubergarten und Blumenmädchen / Klingsor’s Magic Garden and Flower Maidens Welte Roll 921 (master)12:51
- 5.Lohengrin: Brautchor / Bridal Chorus Welte Roll 1667 (master)02:58
- 6.»Träume« aus fünf Gedichten von Mathilde Wesendonck / “Dreams” from the Wesendonck Lieder Welte Roll 1357 (master)05:26
- 7.Lohengrin: Vorspiel zum Ersten Aufzug / Prelude to Act I Welte Roll 1668 (master)08:41
- 8.Huldigungsmarsch für König Ludwig II. von Bayern (1864) / Homage March Welte Roll 1500 (copy)08:02
- Total:01:15:18
more CD 2
- Richard Wagner (1813 –1883)
- 1.Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Ouverture Welte Roll 1270 (copy)09:16
- 2.Das Liebesmahl der Apostel / The Love-Feast of the Apostles Welte Roll 1876 (master)13:44
- 3.Götterdämmerung: Trauermarsch / Funeral March Welte Roll 1189 (master)12:27
- 4.Tannhäuser: Tannhäusers Pilgerfahrt / Tannhäuser’s Pilgrimage Welte Roll 1499 (copy)10:25
- 5.Lohengrin: Vorspiel zum Ersten Aufzug / Prelude to Act I Welte Roll 1032 (master)08:26
- 6.Lohengrin: Lohengrins Verweis an Elsa / Lohengrin’s Admonition Welte Roll 792 (master)03:51
- 7.Tristan und Isolde: Isoldes Liebestod / Isolde’s Love Death Welte Roll 1724 (copy)06:21
- 8.Rienzi: Ouverture Welte Roll 643 (copy)11:39
- Total:01:16:09