Klassik  Chor/Lied
orpheus chor münchen & Gerd Guglhör Heinrich Kaminski: Das Chorwerk OC 608 SACD
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Price: 15.99 EURO

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FormatSuper Audio CD
Ordering NumberOC 608
Release date12/12/2005
Players/ContributorsMusicians Composer
  • Kaminski, Heinrich

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameNAXOS DEUTSCHLAND Musik & Video Vertriebs-GmbH
  • AdresseGruber Straße 46b, 85586 Poing, DE
  • e-Mailinfo@naxos.de

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      orpheus chor münchen · Gerd Guglhör

      This recording presents the orpheus chor münchen with choral works of Heinrich Kaminski, who was born in 1886 in Tiengen (Black Forest). Kaminski wrote for choral ensembles throughout his life, and this CD lets the listener follow his artistic evolution. Early in his career, Kaminski’s works followed the strict polyphony of Bach and Reger. His tonal language continually developed, however, until he was using complex structures and free harmonies, the cul-mination of which was a one-movement fragment written in 1934, the “Messe deutsch”, declaring both his faith as well as his despair about the political situation.
      The orpheus chor was founded by Gerd Guglhör in 1982 and consists of 55 members. Its repertoire includes choral works of all epochs. In recent years, the ensemble has focused intensively on the historical performance practice of early music.

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