Susanne Kessel

The French composer Olivier Messiaen was one of the most influential composers of the 20th century. He prepared the way for the serialism of the 1950s and opened up musical language to non-European influences extending far beyond Debussy. Messiaen even used birdsong in order to create a music of „fairy-like splendour“ (Messiaen). As an appreciation of this giant of musical Modernism, Susanne Kessel has combined piano compositions of Messiaen with Soundscapes of the American composer Leon Milo on this CD. As in a kind of audio book, Messiaen‘s piano works and real sounds from the world of Messiaen‘s life are combined in Leon Milo‘s Soundscapes to form impressive sound collages. They allow a rapprochement with the Messiaen phenomenon that is as sensual as it is true-tolife, without in any way detracting from his mystery.
... à Olivier Messiaen OC 859