Klassik  Kammermusik Instrumental
Salzburger Bachchor & Alois Glassner Pater Noster - Geistliche Chormusik aus fünf Jahrhunderten OC 1817 CD
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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberOC 1817
Release date1/12/2015
Players/ContributorsMusicians Composer
  • Britten, Benjamin
  • Bruckner, Anton
  • Duruflé, Maurice
  • Gallus, Jacobus
  • Grieg, Edvard
  • Holst, Gustav
  • Liszt, Franz
  • Poulenc, Francis
  • Reiter, Herwig
  • Schnittke, Alfred
  • Schütz, Heinrich
  • Verdi, Giuseppe
  • Wagner, Wolfram

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      Description hide

      Pater Noster

      Jacobus Gallus: Pater noster · Heinrich Schütz: Vater unser
      Francis Poulenc: Salve Regina
      Giuseppe Verdi: O Padre nostro | Laudi alla Vergine Maria
      Franz Liszt: Pater noster II · Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria
      Alfred Schnittke: Otche Nash · Edvard Grieg: Ave, maris stella
      Wolfram Wagner: Pater noster · Maurice Duruflé: Notre Père
      Gustav Holst: Ave Maria · Herwig Reiter: Vater unser
      Benjamin Britten: A Hymn to the Virgin
      Volkslied: Ybbstaler Vaterunser

      Salzburg Bach Choir
      Alois Glassner, conductor

      The Lord’s Prayer is the most universal prayer in Christendom, prayed by believers of all denominations. What would be more natural, then, than to bring together several settings of this prayer on a CD with the outstanding Salzburg Bach Choir?

      The CD was recorded in a relatively modern church in the Salzkammergut (Salzburg Province, Austria), equipped with wooden ceilings and walls on the inside, resulting in very special acoustics. The recordings were made in May. When the technical cuts of the recordings were made in early autumn, it became clear that soft birdsong, almost but not quite unnoticeable, could be heard during the singing for nearly the whole time. “We originally thought that we would have to cut out the twittering, but then we decided to leave it in”, says choir director Alois Glassner. The reason is that the heavenly singers are part of this music.

      Tracklist hide

      CD 1
      • 1.Jacobus Gallus: Pater noster03:19
      • 2.Heinrich Schütz: Vater unser01:58
      • 3.Francis Poulenc: Salve Regina04:21
      • 4.Giuseppe Verdi: O Padre nostro07:14
      • 5.Giuseppe Verdi: Laudi alla Vergine Maria05:19
      • 6.Franz Liszt: Pater noster II03:10
      • 7.Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria03:32
      • 8.Alfred Schnittke: Otche Nash03:09
      • 9.Edvard Grieg: Ave, maris stella03:23
      • 10.Wolfram Wagner: Pater noster13:00
      • 11.Maurice Duruflé: Notre Père01:38
      • 12.Gustav Holst: Ave Maria03:47
      • 13.Herwig Reiter: Vater unser03:31
      • 14.Benjamin Britten: A Hymn to the Virgin03:36
      • 15.Volkslied/Traditional: Ybbstaler Vaterunser03:50
      • Total:01:04:47